My blog turns 1. I am as happy as I was when Penguin turned 1.
In the year of 2016, I became a mother. Somewhere fighting against sleepless nights, marathon feeds and struggles of new parent, the idea kicked in. I decided to share my brawl of miscarriages, a difficult pregnancy and highs-lows of parenthood and “Life with my Penguin” was born. But it still an idea till December 2017, I became my own Santa and started this blog.
This blog was, very much still is, dear to me. But squeezing time with a child in tow was tough. Mr. Fabulous and I, decided to raise a curious-independent boy and he is priority. Blogging took a back seat till June, 2018 and then I started learning ropes of blogging world. And am grateful to all my readers. A big thank you. My blog thrives because of your love. Bear hug!
Much of my experience and learning are yet to share here and I plan to do those soonest possible. Till now am sharing (not in order)
- Breastfeeding
- Babywearing
- Raising young readers
- Travel with young kids
- Cloth diapering
- Books and movies review
- Fictional works – Poems, short stories, 100-word story
- Food for young
I have adopted introspective minimalist lifestyle for 4 months now and would share more.
Do let me know if you want me to venture in any new zones in comments. Or if you want me to brush my skills in any area.
Hope we stay connected in future too. Wish you all “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.