Do you like to have some tea or coffee? Maybe green tea?
Every Indian household welcomes guests with this caring question. While tea and coffee are much loved, green tea made its permanent place in our kitchen.
A decade ago I bought a pack of green tea bag with much enthusiasm. I remember suggesting the same to my then fiancé now husband to do same. You see our marriage was approaching. I wanted both in pink of health and great skin for wedding pictures. Moving on, I made the first cup of green tea dreaming of all the benefits. The first sip of it and I had the fastest ever break up. It was bitter. For someone who avoids bitter gourd in meals, it was too much to proceed. That day is still a standing joke in our marriage. Let me confess, I was in such a rush to attain that dreamy wedding health that I forgot to read instructions. I boiled leaves just like regular chai. Huh!
But today we enjoy a cup of perfect green tea. Let me share the secret to make a cup of perfect green tea.

How to make perfect green tea?
Step 1 –
Choose your green tea. It would be good to know your leaves or tea bag forehand. For a cup, one tea bag or a teaspoon of leaves should work. If you are going with leaves, take them in a strainer and keep aside.
Know your green tea
Green tea is available in the market in form of loose leaves or tea bags. We can debate over and over on which is better? Green tea is full of antioxidants and nutrients such as catechins, theanine, chlorophyll and Vitamin C, as well as a small amount of essential oils. The idea is to maximize the nutrients in the cup. Loose leaves would easily release catechins when steeped in water compared to tea bags. However, tea bags are convenient and travel-friendly. Tea bags contain fanning and dust which are small particles of leaves. These particles could release nutrients much faster than leaves.
In the market, one can find more than 10 varieties of green tea. Popular ones been tulsi mulethi green tea, mint green tea, honey lemon green tea, chamomile green tea, jasmine green tea, matcha, Assam green tea and much more. New flavors are launched every hour. Pick up samples to test their strength and select the one that suits you best.
Step 2 –
Making a delectable cup of green tea needs a perfect temperature of water. Take pan in a stove with the required amount of water. Heat water till it is rolling and not boiling. In case it got over-heated, let it rest for a while.
Step 3 –
Allow the tea steep for 2-3 minutes depending on your preference.
Step 4 –
Add flavors as desired. Adding a splash of honey, mint or lemon juice to enhance the taste.
Every morning my husband, Mr. Fabulous is in charge of masala tea because it’s an art. Thankfully, brewing the perfect cup of green tea doesn’t have to be complex. Stick to these easy steps and remember to use the proper water temperature. Anyone can brew a beautiful cup every time. In case you are traveling then pack your green tea in a thermos bottle. Here is a good solution for nomads, InstaCuppa Green Tea Detox Bottle Glass With Steel Infuser Filter. It can be also be used to make fruits or vegetables infused water.

Sip your cup of green tea and reap benefits.
This article as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge2019 conducted by, and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2019 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.
You know.. I am very freaky about the right infusion of my Green tea… I take more than a couple of cups a day and I want them perfect
Glad to know that
Green tea is really healthy for body and a perfect kick to start a day
Thanks for reading.
I am a sucker of green tea. I need to check out this product.
This will definitely make a perfect cup of green tea. Thank you for writing this with #Instacuppa sponsored #Superbloggerchallenge
The green tea lover in me is appeased to learn how to brew myself a perfect cup now.
brewing a perfect cup of green tea is very important. I like using tea leaves in my brewer than tea bags. Instacuppa brewer is pretty good.
I love having green tea twice a’s really good
I have never even tasted green tea in my life, but I think I should at least once!
I have only tried the dip tea green tea till date. Your tips to making a perfect green tea, sound good. Will try it out.
I am not a big fan of Green Tea but would surely try your method. InstaCuppa gives you a reason to be health conscious. Love their products.
I love myself a good cup of green tea, thanks for sharing this process. Gonna try it real soon.
Such a detailed post on green tea. Now i m really becoming a big fan of green tea as everyone around is talking about the same. Would really love to make it in a routine.
I am with you on Green Tea, We too swtiched to Green tea sometime back and there is never a looking back
Just how refreshing this post is! loved the way you brewed your tea 🙂
I like my green tea with a spoon of honey in it. Instacuppa tea infuser is really very helpful while travelling.
I like green tea, both bags and loose leaves. The trick is to make the perfect brew which works best for your taste.
oh yes! Some like strong for others it is light. A personal choice.
Worth reading! I enjoyed the post.
Thanks Deepika
Haha.. I guess you were too excited for the wedding pictures. Hope it went well. Hastag greenteabenefits ?
Can’t deny I was excited. We were looking great without an ounce of makeup??
Pingback: Art of mindful green tea drinking – Life with my Penguin
Green tea has a lot good effects on health, I am trying hard to incorporate it in my diet.
Wish you luck. Thanks for stopping by
One more post that is getting me closer to buy the detox bottle. Detailed recipe is appreciated.
Glad to hear that.
Wow! Now I know where is all the glow coming from. Beautifully radiant -your post and you!
Haha.. Thank you Shrilekha
Nice article. A detailed how to list for making green tea. I am also a green tea drinker and have fallen in love with it.
Thank you Jai
Green tea is very much trending right now. Loving its hype
Oh yes. The hype started a decade ago and still continues
I love greean tea and myself keep experimenting with its preperation. I liked your account of how you prepare green tea too.
Thank you for stopping by
Green Tea is perfect like this post 🙂
Thank you.
What a detailed post. Well not a green tea person but enjoyed reading this!
Thank you Romila.
Loved the way you detailed out all steps to make one perfect green tea ✔️
Great post
Thank you for stopping by
woow! a detailed post! i will be trying it soon! Thank you for this post #superbloggerchallenge
Thanks for stopping by
Green Tea actually grows on you. I have never heard of anybody who has loved it the first time. Gradually it makes a place in your heart. The Masala Chai by for you hubby sounds absolutely perfect and I too have entrusted the breakfast arrangement to my hubby because I am an absolute zombie in the morning.
Well said, green tea actually grows on us. My husband is a morning riser. So he takes charge. I am like you zombie every morning.
How smart you are to entrust chai making to your hubby. That way at least you don’t have to run to the gas the moment you get up! Also thanks for the tips on making green tea. I actually find it increases my acitdity
Haha. No honestly my took charge of this years ago on his own. Thanks for reading
Green tea is like a fuel. It’s either that or black coffee for me ?
You sound like fitness lover to me and that’s great. Cheers to that